Thursday, 4 August 2011

Google Adwords

Alright, I'm going to start on my first Campaign for Google Adwords. It's actually my first time doing this for my website. Abit nervous on how it would turn out. But I'll do it scared. haha!

Well, it's because I do not have any experience doing this at all. And it's my first time running my fashion business online. I quit my job in banking and bummed around for a year not doing anything. It was too stressful an environment to be in and I was falling ill every month.

So back to the Adwords campaign. I read a few books on it. Can't remember the titles though, but most SEM (Search Engine Marketing )books at the library should have some good info for you to read up on.

What I liked about the Adwords campaign that I'm about to start is that it gives me instant traffic. I'm not sure how to turn that traffic into sales, however I'll just leave that part to the Lord. :)

I'm abit concerned about the cost of it though. But I trust that it will be good and cheap for me. As I have a low advertising budget.

I didn't know which keywords to use so I checked some of my competitors and on you can check for a couple of the keywords that the competitors site uses for their search results, under Search Analytics you should be able to view a list of them. However should you want full information you would have to pay for it. I'm quite happy at yet that have these few that I can work on at the moment.

One of the videos I watched on youtube that helped me to understand better.Please note I do not earn from these people but just came across their videos which have helped me and I would like to share. 

If anyone who is reading that has any comments and other tools to share, please do so. Cheerios!

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