Monday, 8 August 2011

Google Adwords Part 2

Lovely! My first campaign is up and running since last friday. So far pretty good and seems like my ad has shown a couple of times. I bid for the CPC at $0.20, but it seems like the CPC was only $0.11. strange but good, because it was cheaper than what I expected so it's pretty good after all.

I would say it's a better choice at this moment than selling on ebay as the cost and fess already eat into your profits. Hmm.. I might consider giving free shipping if that is the case. Or world wide flat fee shipping. Since I save at least about close to 10%. That should cover quite a fair bit as I would like to sell by volume. It does makes decision to buy alot easier to make for the customer. Also they wouldn't mind waiting if it's free in this case. Alright I'll consider this.

Found out that winter coats might be a good option to be selling stuff this autumn. Something I want to look into and run a campaign on it. Should be cool! And I'll launch the campaign in UK, US and AU. Just for starts. Sounds fun already to me. Now I've just got to find a supplier for this. :)

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