Saturday, 20 August 2011

Google Adwords Part 4 and Site revamp

Alright... seems like the Google adwords is working! I just had an order hours ago.. amazing how the Lord Jesus leads and guides from within.

I'm now on my 2nd campaign using the same budget under the 1st campaign, basically just adding new keywords for the autumn winter collection for jackets & coats, with new titles and description.

It's supercool! why didn't I think of this in the first place when I started? well I guess it all works out for my good. And the Lord even makes all my mistakes to prosper! Amen.

I'm kinda really excited for this new campaign and new stuff! I'm amazed at how far I've gone. And now I edit all the photos on my site on my own. Including the banners and ads. How cool is that. From someone who was a zero when I first started, to now really having live transactions. Amazing!

All glory to Him, for He gave me the Spirit of Bezalal. And put the Wisdom and creativity in me. Thank you Lord!

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