Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Honeymoon Destination - Shall we go French Polynesian?

Was wondering and thinking where we should go for our Honeymoon in Feb 2011.

I've been to a couple of places already especially in Europe, the popular destinations for Honeymoon I've already been there while I was still single. Yes I know the feeling will be different if you are going as newly weds, but I just want to do something different.

Thought of going to a Beach Resort so that I won't be spending my time in Shopping Malls again. Yes! Self acclaimed Shopaholic! LOL.

Most Honeymoon destinations that are hear locals going to for Beach Romance is to Maldives. I did some research on it and found it not as luxurious, of course the price tag is alot cheaper for us to fly to Maldives than to Tahiti, Bora Bora.

Here's one of the reviews I found on this Resort in Maldives

Trip advisor : Adaaran Club Rannalhi

Official Site : Adaaran Club Rannalhi

Then I googled for Tahiti.. Just came to my mind that I should check that out. Here's what I found :

Tahiti Bora Bora Honeymoon Package

I love the Hilton and St Regis Resorts on Bora Bora! It's soooo pretty! and the Over water bungalows look really luxurious. And from the reviews I read on Tripadvisor for them it's pretty awesome and they provide good service!

Hilton Bora Bora

St Regis Bora Bora - This one's gotta have a huge budget! OMG

We can take a flight to Tokyo NRT and from there a flight on Tahiti Air to Bora Bora which will cost about SGD 3000. Or we could take a flight to Honolulu and from there a flight to Bora Bora will cost ard SGD 2500 return.

I'm still deciding and doing the research on it but the place really looks awesome!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Google Adwords Part 4 and Site revamp

Alright... seems like the Google adwords is working! I just had an order hours ago.. amazing how the Lord Jesus leads and guides from within.

I'm now on my 2nd campaign using the same budget under the 1st campaign, basically just adding new keywords for the autumn winter collection for jackets & coats, with new titles and description.

It's supercool! why didn't I think of this in the first place when I started? well I guess it all works out for my good. And the Lord even makes all my mistakes to prosper! Amen.

I'm kinda really excited for this new campaign and new stuff! I'm amazed at how far I've gone. And now I edit all the photos on my site on my own. Including the banners and ads. How cool is that. From someone who was a zero when I first started, to now really having live transactions. Amazing!

All glory to Him, for He gave me the Spirit of Bezalal. And put the Wisdom and creativity in me. Thank you Lord!

Friday, 19 August 2011


OMG.. just finished watching a series of Korean Drama on maaduu.com. Was introduced to this site by my bro... understand that it is launched by a Malaysian company and hosted in Malaysia. Wow! Amazing! Such fast super fast streaming.. I used to watch on mysoju.com but have now changed to maaduu instead..

However the advertisements in between the episodes can be a teeny bit annoying but it's cool.. I'll just go for a toilet break.

The drama I was watching is My Fair Lady, quite an old one already but it was still very touching. My bf was hooked on to it too! hahahaha... and he's not even a Korean Drama fan.. haha! But this ones a bit of a comedy, so I guess it was funny watching it.

Thanks to the super fast streaming I could finish the whole series within the week. Praise Jesus!

Friday, 12 August 2011

Google Adwords Part 3 and Site revamp

Alright... So far the adwords has generated 114 impressions since last week. And total clicks was at $0.95. An average of About $0.16 cost per click. Not bad for a week of advertising.

Going to concurrently revamp the website. Getting ideas from everywhere. I think that youtube tutorials are great for learning. Especially for Photoshop tutorials on youtube. It's amazing what you can find for free! Free tutorials.
I like that!

Here's some that I found. For Cross Processing Technique and some other cool editing stuff.


Hope it helps anyone who is looking to set up their own online store and wish to find out more on how to edit their pictures or photos to be more Fashion Magazine friendly.


This is my life

I'm gonna revamp the look of the online store that I have now.

Beautiful pictures and well edited pictures that showcase and focus on the items to be featured in a stylish way. That's my priority now.

No point doing advertising when your products don't look really that great online.

I do enjoy what I do now. Rather than what I did previously. Everyday I'm learning new stuff and I must say it is a huge learning curve but I guess what brings me joy is that I have a supportive fiance who helps and guides me everyday. He listens to me grumble and complain but he also points me back to Jesus. Especially at times when I feel very lost.

Last Wednesday I felt really confused and lost because I didn't know whether what I was doing was right or not. Was it really what I wanted. Until the Lord spoke to me, He reassured me. I was even about to leave Him and was super angry with Him. But when He spoke to me, it was just a voice in my head. I could hear Him.

He will never leave me nor forsake me.

And this is very true!

Hillsong - You Are More - with subtitles/lyrics

This new song from Hillsong really captured my heart. And I just love the way that it speaks to me. Knowing that My Lord is my everything.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Google Adwords Part 2

Lovely! My first campaign is up and running since last friday. So far pretty good and seems like my ad has shown a couple of times. I bid for the CPC at $0.20, but it seems like the CPC was only $0.11. strange but good, because it was cheaper than what I expected so it's pretty good after all.

I would say it's a better choice at this moment than selling on ebay as the cost and fess already eat into your profits. Hmm.. I might consider giving free shipping if that is the case. Or world wide flat fee shipping. Since I save at least about close to 10%. That should cover quite a fair bit as I would like to sell by volume. It does makes decision to buy alot easier to make for the customer. Also they wouldn't mind waiting if it's free in this case. Alright I'll consider this.

Found out that winter coats might be a good option to be selling stuff this autumn. Something I want to look into and run a campaign on it. Should be cool! And I'll launch the campaign in UK, US and AU. Just for starts. Sounds fun already to me. Now I've just got to find a supplier for this. :)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Google Adwords

Alright, I'm going to start on my first Campaign for Google Adwords. It's actually my first time doing this for my website. Abit nervous on how it would turn out. But I'll do it scared. haha!

Well, it's because I do not have any experience doing this at all. And it's my first time running my fashion business online. I quit my job in banking and bummed around for a year not doing anything. It was too stressful an environment to be in and I was falling ill every month.

So back to the Adwords campaign. I read a few books on it. Can't remember the titles though, but most SEM (Search Engine Marketing )books at the library should have some good info for you to read up on.

What I liked about the Adwords campaign that I'm about to start is that it gives me instant traffic. I'm not sure how to turn that traffic into sales, however I'll just leave that part to the Lord. :)

I'm abit concerned about the cost of it though. But I trust that it will be good and cheap for me. As I have a low advertising budget.

I didn't know which keywords to use so I checked some of my competitors and on www.alexa.com you can check for a couple of the keywords that the competitors site uses for their search results, under Search Analytics you should be able to view a list of them. However should you want full information you would have to pay for it. I'm quite happy at yet that have these few that I can work on at the moment.

One of the videos I watched on youtube that helped me to understand better.Please note I do not earn from these people but just came across their videos which have helped me and I would like to share.




If anyone who is reading that has any comments and other tools to share, please do so. Cheerios!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Naza Taiwan Wedding Shoots - Follow ups

This afternoon I received an email from the Service Team at Naza Taipei. They informed me of the cost per night to stay at their recommended hotel called Nei Jiang Hotel. It's about 3 mins away from the bridal shop according to them and I can take a bus direct from the Airport that stops at the bus stop across the street from the shop.

Cost per night will be TWD 1680, estimated to be about SGD 70.00 per night. Seems kinda reasonable. I guess we will be staying here for the whole trip. And of course pop down to the Hot Spring Inn at Bei tou on the last day, which would cost us about SGD 146 per night.

I'm glad we took our wedding package from them and glad that we decided to do an overseas shoot for our wedding album.

Cost for the wedding photo shoot was only SGD 2200! Really a good deal considering all the free items they will be giving us and on top of that I get 6 outfit changes inclusive of a casual shoot. Really Awesome!

23 Aug 2011

Here's a follow up on more of my research for my wedding shoot in Oct 2011 this year!

I found this blog that has some of couples that have taken shoots with them, might be on of their photographers. Well I can't really read the chinese but its ok, just looking at the pics will do. Think they cover alot of places which I already intend to go to. Just have to meet them when I get to Taipei to discuss the locations and confirm them. 

Counting down to Oct! It's less than 2 months!

Anyways here's the link : 
