Saturday, 14 April 2012

Local based employers

My recent interviews in my job search have brought me to also apply for jobs in local based sme companies. Really I must say that their attitudes and the way that they carry themselves are really quite interesting.

Some things that really disturbed me was that they would ask personal questions like "do you have a boyfriend, what is your religion? Which church do you attend?" I find that this kind of information is not a requirement for the position that I applied for. How very unprofessional. Do this only happen in smes? Or perhaps I've only met a few of the not so very good companies.

Alright, it's decided. I'll only work for MNCs, where the corporate culture is more suitable for me. Questions ask during interviews are more work related and less personal. And it seems more on performance based which is perfect for me.

Local companies do their best to try and push down they basic salary they offer to you. Seriously, I would just like to say that if you want talent, you have to pay for it. If the person is talented and has very good skill sets why would they want to take a lower salary in the first place, not as if they own the company and willing to work for free. Really ridiculous. On top of that you have to work long hours.

Ok enough of my ranting on them. From now on no more sme companies. :)

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