Thursday, 15 December 2011

His grace is sufficient

Lord, your grace is sufficient for me. More than sufficient. Every day I just want to enjoy your grace for me.

It is when I lack that you super abound grace in my life.

It is when I cannot do anything right , you come and correct everything to its path.

There is nothing that I can do and I don't even deserve it.

I trust you Jesus. Knowing that you have taken care of my tomorrows for me. That you already prepared for me.

Your goodness and your mercies follow me, the rest of my life.

This position you have already placed me in, I believe in you Jesus. And just cling on to Your faith. Your faith in Your finished work. That I can rest in it.

How awesome it is! Rejoice oh barren!

Resting well tonight and every night, knowing that it is done.

Thank you my Jesus, my big brother, my closest redeemer. My everything. Without you I can do nothing.

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