Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Gmarket Selling

Ok cool! I've moved some of my listing for my site on to Gmarket for selling in Singapore.

Traffic here is really good I would say. However, it can be quite confusing to use in comparison to eBay. I had a lot of difficulties navigating the site for GSM Seller Tools, the user guide wasn't really of much help. But I decided to just trial & error and see how it turns out. It was pretty good. Had a sale from testing one of the discount functions.

Now testing their pre order function for my next batch of items for sale.

The customers here though I would have to warn are those really looking for super good deals. Some of the discounts given I wonder how the seller even makes a profit from here. Or perhaps its low profit. High volume would make up for it I guess.

The next project for me I would like to try is how to create those flashing images that they have on Gmarket. Yeah I'm absolutely so new to all this and have really grown over the past few months. Such a steep learning curve I would say.

Pros I like about Gmarket :
  1. I can list my listing for a year 
  2. It's actually quite easy to navigate once you have good practice - took me a month to figure out - their customer service has slow replies
  3. I can put my site url on the listing - which I think is cool - helps to bring my site ranking up
  4. No limit to my listings unlike eBay which has restrictions
  5. I can sell to my local market and there is even a Q phone service which customers can contact me directly
Cons :
  1. Customer paying through Gmarket, I would have to give 12% to Gmarket and they would take about 2 weeks before depositing into my bank account the rest of the money. 
  2. The flashing images actually really do distract me alot - lol - no idea why I would still wanna learn this though
If you wanna know more you can leave me a message and I would be happy to share my info as much as I can with you. 



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