Monday, 30 April 2012

Up in the mountain

I wanna be in the mountains spending time with the Lord. Sometimes I find it hard because of things distracting me.

It's really labor to be in the rest for me.

Especially when there are so many commitments that I have to pay. It's too overwhelming and I really don't know how to handle it.

Lord I struggle to want to release this into your big big hands. I can't understand why I can't let go and let you do it. Because I know I really can't but yet passing the baton to you seems hard also. Is this the self righteousness? I don't even know whether it's identified correctly

Really need alot of help in this area Lord, only you can help and I want your help.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Reminder to self : supply is from Jesus

Ok seriously, what kind of job do I want. Praise Jesus that He always abundantly supplies. Just received 2 calls for the positions that I applied for one was an instant offer, but it was really fast I couldn't react in time and decided to sleep it over the night first.

The other is in the midst of finalizing with the HR director. Which I was also keen but it took them so long to get back to me I kinda lost hope.

Both companies are equally good, and I would say that both present very good learning opportunities.

So now I'm confused again, Lord I need your guidance. I don't want to make the same mistake I made with the recruitment company.

Actually what I wanted was a simple job that I could do and clock the hours for the pay to pay my monthly bills. I'm not really looking to climb the corporate ladder or be in that rat race. But at the same time I want to be able to enjoy myself and have good fun whilst learning the new job.

But which job can I stay long, seems like the administrative position I would be able to stay longer. The noisy market one, I don't know, I'm curious to find out how the position works but I don't know if I would stay long given the working hours. But the product instrument definitely seems exciting for me. I may just not be bothered by the timing because I like the product in the first place. Plus the Ang mos seem nice enough with their eccentric behaviors.

Oh Lord, how? This decision left to me to decide is really difficult.

But either way or not, Jesus is still my supply, not the job. I have to keep reminding myself that.

Monday, 23 April 2012

This month's fruit received

Praise Jesus for His promises to me are always guaranteed, I remembered that I was writing it down that I want to see my fruit this month. And now I see it, while I was still believing for it, I didn't see anything at first. But I took it in faith, declared and believed that everyday I would have one transaction. And that has come to pass. For the pass 45 days, there has been a transaction everyday.

I'm overwhelmed by my Jesus love for me. He knows my desires, my needs, my wants. He knows me inside, ren the things about myself that I don't know.

My next stretch of faith is for 10 transactions a day. Have declared it already and I know that Jesus will bring it to pass.
